College library websites:,
The library is located in a prime area of the campus with 2756 Sq.ft. It is functioning from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm on all days except Sundays and Public Holidays. The learning resources include books in print and journals. The library is open to all members of the staff and students of the college and the users have direct access to the shelves in the stack room and reading hall. The library is partially automated using Integrated Library Management Software (ILMS) LIBSOFT, which provides user friendly interface for searching documents (WEB-OPAC). Through this system anyone anywhere can search electronic catalogue of MTCST library.
The college is registered under the INFLIBNET-NList. (N-LIST College ID:7515).The Project entitled "National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (N-LIST)", being jointly executed by the e-ShodhSindhu Consortium, INFLIBNET Centre and the INDEST-AICTE Consortium, IIT Delhi. The N-LIST project provides access to e-resources to students, researchers and faculty from colleges and other beneficiary institutions through server(s) installed at the INFLIBNET Centre. The authorized users from colleges can now access e-resources and download articles required by them directly from the publisher's website once they are duly authenticated as authorized users through servers deployed at the INFLIBNET Centre. Through this facility staff and students can now access to 6,000+ journals, 1,64,300+ ebooks under N-LIST and 6,00,000 ebooks through NDL (National Digital Library).
1. Scan college ID card at the entrance before entering the library.
2. User property should be kept on the property rack.
3. Strict discipline must be maintained in the library.
4. Reference material should not be taken outside the library.
5. Switch off the fan and light after use.
6. Do not misplace books.
7. Do not damage the library documents.
8. Using mobile phones and audio instruments with or without speaker or headphone is strictly prohibited in the library.
9. No photograph or video of the library shall be taken without the prior permission of the librarian.
10. Users are not allowed to carry eatables/drinks inside the library.
11. Undergraduate students can borrow 2 books and postgraduate students can borrow 4 books at a time. Members of the teaching staff can borrow 15 books and non-teaching staff can borrow 1 book at a time.
12. Each book is issued for a period of 14 days. Books which are not in demand can be renewed. Delay in returning a book after the due date will entail a fine of two rupees per day.
13. Students are advised not to issue books to others in their name.
14. If one book is damaged or lost by a member, he/she must replace it with a new copy of the same edition or 3 times the price of the book will be fined.
15. All final year students should return their library book (cards) to obtain “No Dues Certificate” from the library.
16. Keep the reading space clean, effectively use the waste bin.
17. Photocopying facilities are available at the Library.