Affiliated to University of Kerala
NAAC Accredited


Biodiversity or Biological diversity is a term that describes the variety of living beings on earth. Biodiversity is the variety of life. It can be studied on many levels. At the highest level, one can look at all the different species on the entire Earth. On a much smaller scale, one can study biodiversity within a calibrated ecosystem of an educational campus.

Biodiversity – the variety of all living things – forms the foundation of the processes that we rely on for life: clean air, clean water, soil formation, carbon and nutrient cycling and pollution remediation. Biodiversity gives us the landscapes we hold dear and ample opportunities for recreation - all contributing to our health and wellbeing.

Biodiversity also refers to the number, or abundance of different species living within a region, such as MTCST campus. It represents the wealth of biological resources available on the campus. It can also be perceived as about the sustaining the natural area made up of community of plants, animals, and other living things that is begin reduced at a steady rate as we plan human activities that is being reduced by habitat destruction.

Appropriate conservation and sustainable development strategies are integral to any approach to preserving biodiversity. Almost all cultures have their roots in our biological diversity in some way or form. Indian culture and value system is rich with references to trees/plants, animals, birds etc. acknowledging the vital role they play.

• Biodiversity allows us to live healthy and happy lives in natural surroundings.

• Greater species diversity ensures natural sustainability for all life forms.

• Biodiversity helps in leveraging certain benefits such as retaining healthy soils, water retention/water recycling, pollination, and pest control

• Simply for the wonder of it all. There are few things as beautiful (Like dance of a peacock, agility of snakes, freshness and lustre of green olive etc.) and inspiring as the diversity of life that exists on the campus.

• Biodiversity enhances recreational activities like bird watching, photography, It also helps to preserve and enhance cultural value and education and research.

We believe that exposing students about biodiversity will lead towards creative solutions for some of the most important issues we face today: climate change, biodiversity loss, natural resource management and sustainability.

The campus

Mar Thoma College Campus is a home for rich flora and fauna. It supports more than 100 species of plants and animals/birds. The campus has ample green cover. The campus can be considered as an example for the co-existence of various types of mini ecosystems. These are: bamboo garden, fruit trees, cashew and rubber plantation, nature classroom, wetlands, thick vegetation patches, and extensive water bodies (ithikkara river). The campus is speared over 21 acres .

Plants in the Mar Thoma College Campus