Affiliated to University of Kerala
NAAC Accredited

Alumni organization is intended to make the past and present members on the staff and old students of  the college to join together in paying their grateful respects to the College and to keep them in touch with the progress of the College.    The membership is open to all former students of the College who pay the life membership fee of Rs 150/- at the time of leaving the college. Alumni association of the college is affiliated to the University of Kerala.


1 Dr. K JacobPrincipal Chairman
2Mrs. Shanu Thomas HoD, Computer Science Vice President
3Dr. Shaji John    HoD, BiotechnologyVice President
4 Prof.K.O.JohnsonHoD, Polymer ChemistryVice President
5Dr. Benson Kunjukunju      HoD, Commerce Vice President
6Mrs.Tintu T. KuriakoseHoD, ElectronicsVice President
7Mrs. Lekshmi S.  HoD, Business AdministrationVice President
8 Mrs. Bincy AbrahamAsso.Prof. EnglishVice President
9Mr. Linoy A Tharakan  Asso.Prof MIITGeneral Secretary
10 Mrs.Jency John Asso.Prof Biotechnology General Secretary
11Mrs. Saritha S.S.  Asso.Prof Computer ScienceSecretary
12Mrs. Sheeja George Asso.Prof Physics Treasurer
13Mr.John Eapen Asso.Prof Malayalam
14Ms. Ardra R.Chandran Asst.Prof. Polymer Chemistry
15Mrs.Anju M.A. Asst.Prof. Polymer Chemistry